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Our Experience with an Animal Communicator

Hi everyone, welcome to my first blog post!

In this blog, I would like to share my experience with an Animal Communicator in Singapore.

We engaged this Animal Communicator twice - the first time was when my dog, Bibo, was very sick and the second time when he already crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Here's a summarised YouTube video:

What happened to Bibo?

We first realised he wasn’t well in Apr 2021 when he stopped jumping and had reduced appetite.

He had a history of strained back muscle cause he was pretty active and loved jumping around.

Few years back, he tried to jump up our sofa but slipped on his pillow and strained his back muscle. He recovered within a week after we brought him to the vet.

This time, I thought the same thing happened. So on 10 Apr 2021, we brought him to the vet and mentioned his back hurts. The vet suspected IVDD (Intervertebral disc disease). We were prescribed with painkillers and was told to monitor the situation.

For the next week, he was still reluctant to move. On the night of 17 Apr 2021, Bibo was shaking badly and breathing very hard for a moment but calmed down shortly. I was so scared so we brought him back to the clinic for another review.

On 18 Apr 2021, another vet checked on him and did X-ray. She diagnosed him with Bloat and prescribed him with some medicine (sorry, I don’t really remember what was given but it was for anti-bloat and something else, I think antibiotic and prebiotic).

On 22 Apr 2021, we sent Bibo to the hospital for emergency as we realised his hind legs were getting weaker. The specialist open diagnosed IVDD. He was given a cathrophen jab and prescribed with more painkillers and ordered to bed rest.

During this period, despite his reluctance to move, Bibo could still go toilet by himself and eat food that he likes (e.g. fruits and rice). We went back for the jab 2 more times and had the 4th jab at our usual vet clinic.

Bibo seemed to be in less pain after the jabs and could do his daily activities. But he was still very picky with his food and was losing weight. We thought the weight loss was because of his lack of nutrition so we tried to feed him as much as possible.

Bibo got another jab plus yearly vaccination on 17 Jun 2021 and we mentioned that he’s eating really little. The vet did not have much suggestion and told us to monitor. Bibo has lost almost 2kg now (he was 4.5kg in Apr 2021, 3.2kg on 17 Jun 2021).

At this point, I was very worried and didn’t know what to do since my vet was unable to advise. So I thought I should hear from Bibo. That’s when we decided to engage an Animal Communicator.

I’ve seen a lot of videos on Animal Communication from YouTube. It was so interesting how they could talk about the special traits of the pets without the owners revealing them. So I trusted that it is real. Besides, we didn’t know what else we could do.

How was the Animal Communication session like?

On 26 Jun 2021, we had our first session.

We were instructed to send 3 recent photos of Bibo to them with clear views of his eyes. Then we sent the 7 questions we wanted to ask Bibo, and the messages we wanted to relay to him.

I’ve been telling Bibo the whole day that an uncle would be talking to him and told Bibo to tell him the truth. During our assigned timing, I kept staring at Bibo to see if he had any reaction, but he just looked really normal and nonchalant hahaha

The Animal Communicator took an hour to talk to Bibo and called us 30mins after.

These were the questions and answers given:

We also requested to relay the following message to Bibo:

We really love you very much baobei, everyone loves and cares for you. We really hope that you can recover and grow old with us. Jiejie really hope that you can meet jiejie’s future kids and be their first best friend. You must try to eat ok? But if your body really cannot take it anymore, it’s ok to go to a better place (say only if he feels really unwell)

How I felt after the session

To be honest, I was a bit taken aback when he said that Bibo wants to eat Chicken Wings and Duck Meat because Bibo has never tried them before. How would he know what it’s like and wants them? And he didn’t like milk at all when I gave it to him (cause he was so weak so I thought milk could give him more nutrition). He also loved the aircon and chose the floor every time instead of floor mats. He always ran back to the room (at the fastest speed he could lol) when I brought him out to pee. Bibo also didn’t like wearing accessories.

So I was like hmmmmmmmmm is this real? But since we asked, I chose to believe it and did most of the things Bibo said he wanted us to do. I stroked his back a lot and made sure there’s ventilation all the time. Tried to keep him in dimmer places, stayed with him 24/7 and tried not to grab his front paws too much hahaha

I didn’t let him try chicken wings and duck meat though cause he would itch every time he ate chicken and his stomach was so weak I didn’t dare to let him eat something he has never tried before.

But the most important advice we got was to seek second opinion which we did.

Bibo's further checks

At this point, his abdomen was very swollen. It felt squishy like there was a lot of water. We went back to our vet clinic and requested for the senior vet and did full blood test and another X-ray. The results…were not good. His white blood cells count was very high and he was anaemic. His X-ray was also fully white. We could not see any organs clearly at all.

The vet said that these problems would have caused nausea (which Bibo mentioned to the communicator).

Vet suspected Addison’s Disease or intestinal tumours. She said Addison’s Disease can be controlled by medicine and suggested that we do the ACTH blood test first.

The results came back negative. My heart sank.

We arranged for the earliest ultrasound which is supposed to be on 16 Jul 2021. His hind legs started to swell as well. I had a feeling that his time is near as I’ve seen another YouTuber’s dog swell up and left shortly after. I’ve actually made the decision to euthanise him since his situation was getting really bad. He was not a happy dog, he could not walk, eat well and he lost the sparks in his eyes.

Bibo's last few days

I started planning what to do on his last few days, planned to carry him around the neighbourhood, visit his favourite park, eat his favourite food and try chicken wing and duck meat. I also told my family to be prepared and we were ready to select the date if his results come back showing that it's a terminal disease.

Went back to the vet and was prescribed with diuretic in hope of reducing the swell through pee while waiting for the ultrasound appointment.

Every day leading up to the appointment, Bibo got weaker and weaker. He could not walk anymore nor lift himself up. He could not stand to pee nor squat to push his poop out. We also realised that he could hardly swallow his food, I found a lot of leftover hiding between his cheeks and teeth. He also didn’t poop for 3 days and stopped peeing for more than 24 hours. I was sooo afraid that he’ll leave alone when he’s at the vet during ultrasound, the thought of it broke my heart into million pieces.

I stayed with him 24//7 and checked on him every 1-2 hours. I carried him to pee and pat him to sleep. Sang him our favourite lullaby and checked for his heart beat every few hours. I also told him not to hold on if his body can’t take it anymore. But he cannot leave when he’s alone at the vet, we must be by his side.

Bibo kept his promise

He left peacefully at home the night before ultrasound right after I carried him in my arms for a few photos. It was like he fell asleep. He did not struggle at all and did not gasp for air. We only realised he left when I turned around and saw that he peed himself.

His departure was painful to all of us. Even though we saw it coming and were preparing for it. Nothing could prepare us for this moment.

We quickly bathed him and laid him down on his blanket. Put his favourite toys around him and said our goodbyes. He looked so peaceful and still so so pretty.

Second communication session - Over the Rainbow Bridge

3 days after Bibo passed, we engaged the Communicator again to find out how Bibo is doing. Prior to the call, my sister and I imagined Bibo to be prancing around like the active boy he was.

The communicator called and told us he saw Bibo in his younger fluffier self. Bibo ran to him and asked if he could recognise him cause he was sick and frail in the first session. AHHHH THATS SO CUTE and totally how we imagined.

Bibo told him that he no longer feel bloated and has no more pain. He can run and jump now and he has a lot of friends to play with. He also said that the scenery there is beautiful.

He said that that his hair is fluffy and silky and wished we’re there to sayang him. AHHHH my heart </3

Bibo also said that he misses us a lot and hope that we’ll never forget about him.

How I felt after second session

After this session, I was so so relieved that Bibo is at a better place and that he’s happy again.

Grief still hits us now and then when we see or hear things that reminds us of him. That day, I bawled when I heard our favourite lullaby on the radio. The communication session did help me cope better but I guess grief is too sneaky.

All in all, I think animal communication is very interesting and I’m grateful for their service. Try it with an open heart and mind. I knew Bibo understood me and I understood him to a certain extent but I wish we could have communicated even better and clearer. I hope the animal communication sessions did just that.

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